1. usinventor.org

    Nov 19, 2024Press Release For Immediate Release November 19, 2024 U.S. Inventor's Statement on Vishal Amin's Potential Appointment to USPTO: A Threat to U.S. Innovation, National Security, Economic Growth, and Trump's MAGA Agenda
  2. usinventor.org

    Mar 20, 2024US Inventor www.usinventor.org March 20, 2024 . The Honorable Thomas Massie The Honorable Marcy Kaptur . 2453 Rayburn House Office Building 2186 Rayburn House Office Building . United States Congress United States Congress . Washington, DC 20515 Washington, DC 20515 . Subject: Restoring Americas Leadership in Innovation Act
  3. usinventor.org

    +1 512-294-9563 www.usinventor.org paul@usinventor.org . PREVAIL'S Standard of Evidence Will Have Little or No Effect . PREVAIL tells us that the PTAB's extremely high invalidation rate is caused by a low standard of evidence (preponderance of evidence) to invalidate a patent. They say that changing it to clear and convincing
  4. 2016U 3290 Ridge Road Highland, IN 46322 www.usinventor.org averageweeklywage of$1,312,"whichis"46percent higher than the $896average weekly wages in non-IP-intensive industriesin the private sector."U.S. DEP'T COMMERCE, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AND THE U.S. ECONOMY: 2016 UPDATE at ii. Second, jobs are strongly correlated with patents.The Commerce Department
  5. www.usinventor.org . As shown above, the search results (with newest on top) do not include the Proposed Rule, Setting and Adjusting Patent Fees During Fiscal Year 2017, published on October 3, 2016. Instead, the most recent rule on the list is dated almost . two year ago —January 24, 2014.
  6. US Inventor, Inc Randy Landreneau randy@usinventor.org Dallas, TX President 727-744-3748 June 30, 2019 Chief Economist Mail Stop OPIA Director of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office P.O. Box 1450 Alexandria, VA 22313-1450 successact@uspto.gov Comments on the SUCCESS Act Introduction
  7. usinventor.org

    www.usinventor.org Page 3 of 5 Finally, this change benefits petitioners because an additional two rounds briefing for patent owners will likely add to the cost of the IPR. Increasing the length of an existing brief is less expensive than drafting an entire new set of briefs (the request brief and a reply brief). Patent
  8. judiciary.senate.gov

    US Inventor, Inc Paul Morinville paul@usinventor.org Highland, Indiana President 512-294-9563 Testimony of US Inventor June 5, 2019 US Inventor, Inc. 17440 Dallas Parkway, Ste, 230 Dallas, TX 75287 Paul Morinville, Founder Paul@Morinville.net 512-294-9563 The United States patent system has failed. China is rising.
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